Doctors Expect Severe Flu Season, Urge People to Get Vaccinated

The severity of this year’s flu season has prompted health professionals to urge patients to be vaccinated.
There is a rising level of anxiety that the influenza season this year may have the potential to be very severe.
Experts in the field of medicine have stated that it is difficult to speculate on how severe the outbreak could be, but they are concerned that an increasing number of individuals are opting out of getting vaccinated against the flu.
Only 49% of individuals, according to a poll that was carried out by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, claimed that they want to get vaccinated against the flu this year. There is widespread concern among medical professionals that vaccine fatigue brought on by the coronavirus epidemic is having an effect.
Even if you have received the flu shot in the past and are considered to be “vaccined out,” according to Dr. Chris Garofalo, getting the flu shot is just as necessary as it has always been.
A family physician in Attleboro named Garofalo reported that he has already heard of a handful of his patients acquiring the flu, and he is concerned about the strain that will be placed on the health care system as a result of this.
Garofalo expressed alarm over the situation, stating that “it is concerning because the emergency departments are still highly busy due to COVID, and urgent cares are being overwhelmed.”
The world’s foremost authorities on public health are looking to countries like Australia, which has recently emerged from its winter and had its deadliest flu season in the past five years, as a model.
Following the discovery of an unexpectedly high number of influenza cases in the state of New York, a warning has already been issued. The coming week will mark the beginning of influenza reporting for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
In the next days, a number of local municipalities, including as Chelsea, Wellesley, and Worcester, will be having their very own vaccination clinics for the influenza virus.
A flu vaccine clinic was held on Friday at St. John the Evangelist School in Attleboro as part of the school’s yearly tradition.
“I believe that making the effort to bring them to the location where they are will make things simpler for them. Convenience is increased for households that have more than one child “Julianna Braza, who worked as the nurse at the school, made this statement.
Everyone in the Juszczak family, including Ethan, who is only six years old, volunteered their time at the school’s clinic.
“It hurt, but just a little bit, and now I’m protected so that it won’t happen to me again,” he added.
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