Recap of “Miss Scarlet and the Duke”: Season 2, Episode 3

Although Liza makes a great detective, she lacks organization. She has misplaced her mother’s wedding band again again. Fortunately, it has been located. Unfortunately, it happened at the city mortuary, which had just had a break-in and file theft. Police detain Eliza.
Ivy leaves to look for William. He’s relaxing in a wealthy woman’s bed on his day off. In an effort to motivate William, Ivy informs the woman that Eliza is her husband. Unsurprisingly, the woman then throws William out of bed and her home.
Eliza acknowledges to William that she “visited” the graveyard the day before to check at case files. She has a long-standing animosity with Mr. Potts, the clerk there, and he won’t allow her look at the files. It’s likely that she misplaced her mother’s ring there. But since she has the keys, she didn’t need to break in. And she left no files behind.
The chief coroner Thackery is pressuring William to charge Eliza because he wants the matter resolved as quickly as possible because three morgues were broken into. Given his acquaintance with Eliza, the new superintendent, Munro, wants to remove William from the case, but he gives him permission to check into it for a day.
Unfortunately for William, Eliza has vanished after being taken by Moses to a secure location. Ivy deceives William by saying she doesn’t know where Eliza is when, in reality, she is working with Moses. To entice Potts, the clerk, Ivy poses as Thackery’s wife and pays him a visit, praising him and inviting him to supper at Thackery’s house in exchange for sharing the information in the stolen files. They include lists of unnamed individuals who passed away 25 years ago.
With the aid of Fitzroy, to whose confidentiality he has sworn, William is also investigating these lists; he isn’t meant to be attempting to establish Eliza’s innocence. When he visits the cemeteries where the bodies are interred, he encounters screaming women and grave thieves at one. The woman claims that she is the vicar’s wife and saw the men digging up a body before they fled. Selling bodies for medical instruction and dissection is a lucrative business.
Moses witnesses William pursuing the graverobbers away in the shadows. Moses is ultimately located by William, who has been looking for him outside a tavern frequented by graverobbers. William only agrees to Moses’ offer of assistance after being referred to as a policeman as soon as he enters the pub. William and several police officers arrest the graverobbers Moses “hires,” thanks to a scheme Moses thought out that gets him paid by William.
According to the graverobbers, a woman hired them to dig up every grave on the lists taken from the morgues. She is the person who pretended to be the vicar’s wife, and William is already familiar with her. She was recently released from prison after serving a 25-year term and is known as “Bloody Mary.” Munro removes William from the investigation after coming under increased criticism from Thackery for catching the criminal and letting her free.
Eliza has been conducting her own research and has found that the main suspect in the mortuary break-ins is no longer her. She discovers that her host, who owns a brothel where she is living, has a sister who works close to a mortuary. After some back-and-forth and an exchange of money, she finds out from the prostitute that the mortuary thief was an older woman than herself, and that the police are no longer looking into her since the prostitute had a conversation with an inebriated detective at a bar.
William visits the tomb he witnessed being robbed and is shocked to discover flowers there since it is an unmarked burial. He discovers from a florist that Thackery’s tomb receives flowers each month. Moses and Eliza had already learned this, but when they go to Thackery’s house to question him, William makes Eliza wait outside with Fitzroy.
Thackery explains that he was raised from humble beginnings and brings flowers to graves of unidentified people as an expression of gratitude for his fortunate fortune. When William hears a disturbance, he immediately understands why he is trying to get William to go as Bloody Mary is in another room threatening Thackery’s wife with a revolver. She commands William to drop his rifle and hand it to her, and he complies.
Fortunately, Eliza defied orders and persuaded Fitzroy to talk with her about the probe. She discovered that the florist had informed William that a woman had just inquired as to who had sent the flowers to the cemetery, but Moses had gone to the florist rather than Eliza. She enters the home and aims a gun at Bloody Mary from behind, protecting everyone inside by deducing that Bloody Mary was also on Thackery’s track.
Mary was formerly his fiancée, according to Thackery. Together, they carried out a diamond theft, after which he stole their loot and ran off. When she discovered that he had swallowed the jewels, she tracked him down and injured him, but he escaped when she was taken into custody. He used an unnamed corpse to simulate his own death, and ever then, he has been laying flowers on the body’s grave. With the money from the diamonds, he started a new life and recreated himself.
In prison, Mary read in the newspapers of his “death.” She stole the lists of unidentified bodies once she was let out so she could explore each cemetery for Thackery’s remains and try to find the gems within. Thackery was aware of this, which is why he wanted Eliza to be held accountable for the break-ins as quickly as possible. He reasoned that if Mary ever discovered him, he might haggle with her.
Even though William was right that Eliza was innocent, Munro no longer regards him as a dependable employee because he broke orders and persisted in looking into the matter even after he was removed from it.
Ivy’s deception was uncovered by Potts the clerk, who ran into her at the market and overheard a vendor refer to her by her real name. Ivy learns that she tricked him because he was quite taken with her. He was so thrilled that he was a person of high enough class to dine at the chief coroner’s home that she apologizes and feels bad for him. Ivy invites Potts over for dinner, much to Eliza’s great surprise. It’s probably better that it’s not the chief coroner’s table.
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